How It Started
Ever since I was a little guy, I loved capturing and creating beautiful films. I’m so excited that now, I get to help capture and create yours!
Hey there! My Name is Daniel Nicholas, I have been filming weddings since 2009. My nickname growing up has always been "Superman." When I was around seven years old, I was swimming in my grandparent’s apartment pool. I noticed there was this little girl... who was also swimming, but she had on water wings. I think she was trying to impress me (hahaha), because she took her water wings off... and well, she couldn't keep afloat and started having troubles! I swam over to her, she grabbed a hold of me, and I swam her over to where her grandmother was. Her grandmother said, "Thank you... you saved her... you saved her just like Superman!" So ever since then, my nickname has been Superman! It wasn't until after high school when I was lucky enough to be on the radio. I added my first name to my nick name... and that's how the name "SupermanDAN" was born!
I eagerly look forward to hearing from you and to help plan your BIG day!
~Daniel Nicholas